Local Cultural Council Minutes 1/28/10
Meeting was called to order at 4pm in Town Hall.  Attending: John Heffernan, Maureen Banner, Laurily Epstein, Katherine Roberts, and Lynne Leavitt

Kathy intoduced us to her guest, Barbara Palmer, Director of the Bidwell House.
Barbara  discussed a special event: Township Day #1, which concerned Tyringham and Monterey  when the towns were united. Because this year is the 20th anniversary of the current Bidwell House organization, both communities will share in the event on June 19.  It is being sponsored by both cultural councils.

The committee completed replies to applicants approved for grants.  Future programs for the rest of the season were also discussed.

Meeting adjourned at  5pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lynne Leavitt
Recording Secretary